Catalogue Kenya Household and Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2018 The dataset explores the health seeking behavior, utilization of health services, health spending and health insurance penetration amongst the population
Catalogue Kenya Household and Health Expenditure and Utilization Survey 2013 The dataset explores the health-seeking behavior, use of healthcare services, out-of-pocket health spending, and health insurance coverage of Kenyan households.
Catalogue Service Delivery Indicators Health Survey 2012 It includes healthcare provider effort, knowledge and ability, and the availability of key inputs (for example, basic equipment, medicines and infrastructure, such as toilets and electricity). The indicators provide a
Catalogue Service Delivery Indicators Health Survey 2018 It includes healthcare provider effort, knowledge and ability, and the availability of key inputs (for example, basic equipment, medicines and infrastructure, such as toilets and electricity). The indicators provide a
Catalogue National Health Accounts 2015/16 It tracks the flow of funds in the health sector for fiscal year 2015/16
Catalogue National Health Accounts 2012/13 It tracks the flow of funds in the health sector for fiscal year 2012/13
Catalogue Global Health Cost Consortium: Unit Cost Study Repository Unit cost data for HIV, SBC, FP and TB
Catalogue CEMA estimates: Kenya Health Information System Maternal Health Data The dataset contains information on select reproductive and maternal health indicators obtained from the Kenya Health Information System
Catalogue CEMA estimates: County Government Health Budget and Expenditure per capita The dataset contains county Government Health Budget and Expenditure per capita from FY 14/15 to FY 22/23
Catalogue CEMA estimates: County Government Health Budget and Expenditure The dataset contains county Government Health Budget and Expenditure from FY 14/15 to FY 22/23
Catalogue CEMA estimates: Child mortality by year The data set contains child mortality rates at national level from the year 1952 to 2022. The data used to calculate the yearly mortality rates was obtained from the last eight Kenya-Demographic health surveys, DHS 1984, DHS 1989, DHS 1993, DHS 1998, DHS 2003,
Catalogue CEMA estimates: Child mortality by county The dataset contains child mortality rates at county level for the year 2022 and 2014. The data used to calculate the mortality rates was obtained from the 2022 and 2014 Kenya Demographic health surveys.
Catalogue Kenya Cancer registry AFCRN aims to improve the effectiveness of cancer surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa by providing expert evaluation of the population to study non-communicable diseases. It outlines various activities carried out by the organization from 2011 to 2016, and they have made publications and reports towards
Catalogue Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment The Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (KHFA) was designed as a system to provide standardized assessments consisting of harmonized modules that cover all key blocks of service provision in a health facility, that include service availability, service readiness, quality and safety of care, and
Catalogue Digital Health Systems in Kenyan Public Hospitals: A Mixed-Methods Survey This survey aimed to provide decision-makers with information on the digital health systems landscape and to support the rapidly developing digital health community in Kenya and the region by sharing
Catalogue Africa Open Data Africa's largest central repository for government, civil society, corporate and donor agency data. Africa Open Data (AOD) offers a rich data dissemination platform that greatly facilitates the web-dissemination of data
Catalogue Ministry of Health Kenya Nutrition Portal A web page listing various resources regarding nutrition in Kenya, namely, maternal, infant and young child nutrition, food security and emergency nutrition, micronutrient deficiency control, healthy diets and physical activity,
Catalogue Kenya Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (KHFA) 2018/2019 Main Report The Harmonized Kenya Health Facility Assessment (KHFA) 2018 is a collective effort involving multiple Health Data Collaborative partners. The assessment succeeds past initiatives including the Service Availability Readiness Assessment Mapping
Catalogue Africa Population and Health Research Center The Africa Population Health Research Center (APHRC) is a prominent research institution based in Nairobi, Kenya, with a primary focus on advancing the understanding of population health dynamics in sub-Saharan
Catalogue COVID-19 Status Dashboard Kenya This interactive dashboard keeps track of COVID-19 in Kenya. It shows key statistics, the distribution of confirmed cases by county, total deaths and active cases. Data is sourced from media